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Family break in Noirmoutier

(So blessed) Half term! We’ve headed to the lovely island of Noirmoutier in the North of Vendée 🚗

Surprisingly (or expectedly), we were in the mood of breaking the school week’s routine …

# Long lie-in (in the morning), short nap (in the afternoon)

# Daily local family table tennis competition

# 3 course meal with figs (to keep pace with our prolific fig tree)

# Early gastronomy apéritif

# Late afternoon bicycle ride

# Serious cushion fight with an official referee

# 6pm ‘quatre heure’ with Nutella waffles

# Butterflies hunt in the sunset (with a net)

# Rabbits hunt in the dawn (with a digital camera)

And an improvised outdoor fashion show (by a little girl)


Girls Blouse by L I L Y LOOP

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