We're off to the seaside ... Noirmoutier, our beloved island in the North side of Vendée in France is waiting for us. Or shall I say we're actually desperately writhing to get there? It might actually be a bit more reflecting our state of mind when boarding in the boat at Portsmouth ...
Here is the storytelling by our little girl of these 2 (busy) delightful weeks.
Fishing (quite easily) a local (jelly) fish:

Braving the wild local environment:

Hesitating just for a few seconds about what to do next:

Noirmoutier Island + Transat + Book = Happiness:

Ready to meet a bewitched frog (aka prince charming):

Relaxing after an exhausting day (of fun).

Sublimating my spring suntan:

Turning into a bouncy canary:

Modelling for L I L Y LOOP ... and enjoying it!

Noirmoutier que j'aime 💕