Having spent a bit too much time indoor than outdoor during the last months (for ages I shall say), it was about time - end of April - to get out from our (certainly cosy) nest in London. We bravely decided to explore a bit of the English countryside towards the South-West of London. Hello Hampshire!
... The rest of this exploration is narrated by two 7 y.o. girls.
Realising that horses are really really really really REALLLLLLY big
Trying to have a private moment. No photo please!
Being the (unrevealed) Oscar-nominated Hollywood stars of "Airplane" movie
Feeding our minds, before feeding our - starving - stomachs with a gigantic (organic of course) burger
Solving 'the Chicken or the Egg' causality dilemma. Chicken come first. Then I get fresh eggs for our breakfast. How could it be otherwise???
Congratulating my hero (aka daddy) for his very first skydiving jump
Last words: "Why can't we live in the countryside?"
Well, hum ...